This game was created for the 1-Button Jam 2024, within roughly 6 days.

The three possible themes were "Dome", "Bug", and "Agreement". Choosing "Bug", I created a Geometry Dash like game with a beehive theme, and put a psychedelic twist on it. The goal is to deliver a bomb to the queen bee of the hive. 

There are 3 worlds, 5 levels each.


As per the rules, the game only requires one button to play. You can use either Space, Tab, Shift, LMB, or RMB... but they all do the same thing.

You cannot control the bomb; it rolls. Instead, you control the environment. Press or hold the button to strategically to apply force to keep it rolling.

To return to the title screen, rapidly press the button. 


Game built in Godot. I created the sound effects with Audacity and the art in Krita. The music is by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio.


NeuroHive - 42 MB

Install instructions

The game can be ran in your browser. It works on mobile but it's very slow.

For the Windows download, install the .zip file and extract all. Run the .exe file.


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Very good game, good style and excellent gameplay! It suffers from a common plague in jam games: you spend so much time playtesting it that the final level design is pretty tough for a newbie :D The game can end up being difficult of course, but a longer chill zone would help to grasp the mechanics. Sadly, that will probably push some people away.

It's still a really good entry. It's sometimes hard to read what's happening, but globally it feels very polished.
